Professional Coaching
Coaching incorporates the interpersonal aspects of therapy, like asking questions and examining your life experiences, without having to dwell excessively on the past. Coaching tends to be forward thinking and focused on practical ways to help you finally become who you want to be.
Coaching vs Counseling
There are significant differences between coaching and counseling
Within the last 10 years or so, counseling has started gravitating towards a medical model. This means that your counseling records may be incorporated into your medical records. It also means that, for most counselors that take insurance to get paid, they have to submit a “diagnosis” of a mental illness that can stay in your permanent medical file and be viewed by anyone who requests access to your medical history.
Coaching does not incorporate a medical model. Coaches see alternative solutions to your struggles that don’t assume a mental illness and focuses on changes in thinking, behaviors, habits, and attitude. Coaching is typically shorter in timespan and task specific. Coaching still takes into consideration your personal history and helps you understand how potentially limiting beliefs can be overcome.
Schedule Your Appointment
To schedule an appointment, give me a call at 503.956.3719. I’ll ask you a few questions to understand your situation a little better, and then we’ll find a time that will work with everyone’s schedule.