Make One Appointment
That’s it! Just one.
The whole purpose of the first session is to meet the counselor, see if you like them, and see if this is someone that you could eventually feel safe with. If the first session feels okay then you can decide about another appointment later on. If it doesn’t feel right, then don’t schedule another appointment, and try another counselor. If it takes a couple of tries, that’s okay. Sometimes it takes a little time and energy to find the right person. Again, that’s part of the process.
What To Look For In A Counselor
Competence—Does it seem like they know what they’re talking about?
Compassion—Does it seem like they genuinely care?
Professionalism—Is there structure and order to their practice?
Trust Your Gut
If the person doesn’t feel safe, then move on, even if you can’t explain why. You don’t have to explain. Just move on.
You don’t have to worry about hurting the counselor’s feelings if you don’t come back. It is a perfectly normal part of the counseling process. (If your counselor’s feelings were hurt, then you don’t want to do work with them in the first place.) The main goal is finding a place that is comfortable for you.