
If we are made to be in relationships, why do they take so much work?

Regardless of what season of relationship you are in, sitting down with a counselor can help bring clarity and direction toward intimacy. As an objective person in the room, the counselor is able to help both parties see what decisions and actions they need to take in the best interest of the relationship.

Couple sitting intimately. Pic by Emma Bauso.

Some Of The Common Issues We Can Help With:

  • Communication Breakdowns

  • Conflict Resolution Skills

  • Financial Issues

  • Sexuality and Intimacy Issues

  • Gender Roles

  • Individual Needs

  • Trust Issues

  • Personal History Dynamics

  • Extended Family Issues

Stuck in unhelpful patterns of communication, feeling isolated, hurt, and even believing you are unlovable? Here are some possible reasons why…

  • resorting to name-calling, screaming, and sarcastic jabs intended to hurt each other

  • rolling eyes, clinching jaws and fists

  • walking away or changing the subject to avoid conflict

  • being defensive, making excuses, or playing the victim

Establishing relationship VALUES will give you a reliable path to building trust, resolving conflict, and deepening intimacy.

V= vulnerable: being open and receptive for change and acceptance

A= accountable/assertive: taking responsibility and initiative for yourself and relationship

L= learner: being curious about your experience and that of your partner

U= understanding: making sense and growing in knowledge of each other

E= empathy: being with your partner in their experience and patience in yours

S= shared meaning: living into your values honoring each other