Sexual Addiction

Woman inbetween statues, looking lifeless. Image from Pexels.

If you feel like…

  • “I cannot get control of my life. I keep making the same mistakes.”

  • “I cannot stop watching pornography or going to strip clubs…”

  • “My relationship is ruined because of my struggle…” 

  • “I’m a bad person and have no hope of change.”

There is hope. Sexual addiction actually has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with the coping mechanism for insecurities, pain, loss, and trauma. Your sexuality is simply the way you manage these big emotions in your life. 

You probably at some point have heard that, “There must have been some deep trauma that happened to you to act this way.” Sometimes this is the case. Other Times, you simply learned to manage your emotions by checking out or escaping them through acting out sexually. Either way, you can learn to manage your emotions and internal experiences in a much healthier way that doesn’t leave you feeling disconnected, isolated, or the cause of your partner’s pain. 

Visiting with a counselor is a great place to start. Let us help you understand why you do what you do and how to grow into the kind of person you would be proud of. We will help you peel back the layers of confusion and hurt so that you can act with integrity and have hope for your life. Set up an appointment now.