If I Believe In God, Why Do I Need Counseling?

It can be confusing to try to understand why a God who is all powerful and all knowing, and able to heal things instantaneously would not just wave His powerful hand and make everything all better.  While He can and does do this at times, there are often things that we need to learn and practices that will help to refine and help us for future purposes that He allows us to go through. Additionally, we are physical beings with brains, nervous systems, and emotions, psychological histories, relationships, and unique developmental experiences.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made and very complex.  If you wonder why you may need counseling even though you fully believe God could just heal you instantly, you may want to read on.


We Live In A Fallen World

Being human in a fallen world where other humans and an enemy of our soul exist can be challenging, and God made a way that we don’t ever have to go through things alone. If everybody lived spiritually according to the way God would have us to live there would be no problem, but because everybody has a free will, we are affected by others and need both God and others in our lives. 

 When God said in Genesis that it's not good for man to be alone,  I don't believe that was just for Adam to get his Eve but that humans helping and walking alongside other humans in life is part of God’s ideal design.  After all, the Bible shares the importantance for us that as iron sharpens iron we help each other to grow into the best versions of ourselves.  As we help each other out, we grow and what one person is not able to see clearly on or do on their own, may find that a helper has been provided by God for such a purpose.  


Maybe, Having A Counselor Is The Way God Is Presently Healing You

There are a number of Scriptures that reference getting counsel.  The Bible refers more than once to the wisdom and benefit of good counsel.  Jesus was called the mighty counselor as one of the first things said about him when he was born.  


It’s Not a Lack of Faith

Not getting counseling because you think you should prove to Jesus that you believe enough to be instantly healed is like not sleeping because you need to get more done for Jesus, not getting a cast when your arm is broken, or not practicing riding a bike when you want to learn how because you imagine and assume that God will just fly you to your bicycle and push you, and off you’ll go, perfectly balanced and riding fast.

Could it be that God is teaching us more than how he can be a magical genie granting our wishes?  Could it be that He is allowing us to be refined, to learn relationship skills like how to be vulnerable and real with others, or because God is training us for future purposes for His glory later by teaching us through the process of enduring and healing?  

It may also be that we need counseling, even when we are saved, because our hurt and pain and symptoms are routed in human relationship wounds and need to be healed in relationship, too. Plus, the fact that you really hope you have enough faith to ask this question is proof that it’s probably not a lack of faith issue but rather a physical or relational issue or skills deficit rather than a spiritual lacking in you.  Of course, there are spiritual components to things, but for the Christian, that battle has already been won. It may just be the human battles that need some human interactions and sanctification to heal and grow even stronger.  


We’d be honored to walk alongside you in your faith and your healing journey, connect with us here if you’d like our help. Call 541-275-0412 to set up an appointment.

Article written by Michelle Croyle


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